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Project News

  1. Buying sustainable clothing: How consumers can be better informed when shopping online

    Dress well with a clear conscience: When shopping online, customers are increasingly paying attention to whether products are fairly traded and …

  2. Millions in Funding for YouCodeGirls from the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs – State Secretary Luksic: "We aim to make Germany an AI leader"

    The online platform offers various learning opportunities primarily targeting girls and young women to increase their interest in …

  3. Resource-aware Edge AI enables AI applications on mobile devices – DFKI and Inria launch joint FAIRe project

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding increasingly diverse applications in the physical world, especially on embedded, cyber-physical devices with …

  4. Illustration: Mädchen mit Spielzeugrobotber

    Telekom-Stiftung veröffentlicht Leitfaden "Schule und KI"

    Praxisnahe Handreichung gibt Orientierungs- und Handlungswissen für Lehrkräfte und Schulleitungen – Überblick über sieben KI-Systeme mit besonderer …

  5. Tapping into process expertise in companies with AI – PERKS project launched

    The European project "Eliciting and Exploiting Procedural Knowledge in Industry 5.0 - PERKS" was launched in October 2023 with a kick-off event in …

  6. State Secretary Oliver Luksic hands over funding decision for Franco-German project NEARBY

    Joint project by DFKI and Inria aims to make brain-computer interfaces suitable for everyday use.

  7. OP

    Artificial Intelligence in Surgery: Augmented Reality provides Support in the Operating Room

    Clinical surgery grequires great precision, years of experience, specialised knowledge and the highest level of concentration on the part of the …

  8. EU project CORTEX2 launches €3 million call for the joint development and validation of an extended reality platform

    The EU-funded CORTEX2 project is investing €3,000,000 in its first open call to investigate, advance and demonstrate the technical features offered by …

  9. Green-AI Hub Mittelstand: Unternehmen starten erste Pilotprojekte

    Im Oktober 2023 haben die ersten KI-Pilotprojekte des Green-AI Hub Mittelstand nach und nach ihre Arbeit aufgenommen. Fünf kleine und mittlere …